Spiritual & Magickal Tools For One And All

Me & My Beliefs:

For the curiosity seekers, this is just a bit of info about me and my beliefs; relevant to this blog:

  • I was born with several psychic Gifts.  I am: Claircognizant, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Empathic and I am a Medium.  I can also do something that I call “body scanning” where I can view a person head-to-toe for injuries (old & new), medical issues, and deficiencies.
    ** I am told it is not “normal” to have all of the aforementioned Gifts but, hey–it is what it is.  So if you happen to think I’m extra weird?  I’m cool with that.  Besides which, I tend to think everyone else is strange in their own way, too!
  • I speak to Angels.  They have been with me throughout my life.  They are my companions and friends and the only constant in my life.
  • I do give readings but I do not give readings here.  Nor am I here to gain clients.  So please do not ask me for readings.  (I don’t say this to offend anyone; I’m only mentioning this point because some people email and ask me.)
    ** I do not want this blog to be about me.  I’m only here to anonymously impart any information others might find helpful.  If someone ends up finding out who I am, cool, but that’s not why I’m here.
  • I have been performing Magickal Rituals (aka: Spells) for about three decades.  I love magick.  It definitely works!
  • Through trial and error, I know the benefits and the dangers of things both metaphysical and magickal.
  • When it comes to religion, I believe there is some truth in almost all religions and therefore, I do not believe in limiting myself by adhering to any man’s idea of what I should and should not do or believe.  I’m not here to please man.  Per my beliefs, as long as I keep my focus on God, honor Him, and do only what feels right in my spirit and soul, all is well.
  • There is a Supreme, Divine Entity running this place we call Earth.  I call that Supreme, Divine Entity “God.”  You may know Him by a different name.  Cool.  I don’t know if I’m right or if you are, but, I guess we’ll be finding out after our Transition, yeah?
    ** As long as we do not get caught up in labels and names, we will learn something from each other and be better, more informed people for it, yeah?
  • I am Roman Catholic.  Yes, I attend Mass (and I am just in love with the Holy Trinity).  I also perform rituals (spells).  I also have what some people call “New Age” beliefs about the metaphysical realm because of who I am, all that I’ve personally experienced, and what I’ve seen.
    ** Since most people are more comfortable with labels, I normally tell people I’m a “New Age Catholic” and that seems to clarify…something for them (although I’m not sure what that something is, lol).
  • I believe God created all of the Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit).  As I am His child and each of those Elements exist within me and in the world He created, those Elements are at my disposal to use or not.
    * In the rituals I perform, I mix my Christian-Catholic beliefs with what some would term as Wiccan practices and beliefs.  There are people from both sides of the aisle who would take issue with me combining the two but this works well for me.
  • I fully understand and believe we humans create our lives and our realities.  And just for the record–all of that Law of Attraction stuff?  It’s been around at least a couple thousand years.  It is not a new concept; though there are those who would have you believe differently for their own gain…
  • I believe everything in the world is Energy.  If you understand this concept, you can bend, mold, and shape your life for your benefit by directing Energy.

Now.  For the sake of any sensitive people who might be easily offended, you should probably also know:

  • I am blunt-spoken, often sarcastic, and I tend to find humor in everything (including myself!). I’ll be the first to laugh at the weirdness that is normal life for me.
  • I also curse a bit, drink a couple of times a year, and smoke a bit, too.
  • Since I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to what other people think of me, it’s pretty hard to offend me.  So saying: Feel free to correct me if you think I’m wrong, I rather like it.  And if you’re going to try to offend me, try harder than you normally would.  Innuendo often escapes me.  So, maybe tell me you’re insulting me?
  • I’m very down to earth and I don’t do the whole Woo-Woo Spiritualist thing.  What is the Woo-Woo Spiritualist thing?
    Well, you’ve seen those people who always act very serious, pious and lofty because they have some Gifts and some knowledge?  Like they’re more important because of the Gifts and knowledge; so you should treat them as you would the Pope or the Dalai Lama?  Yeah, no.  I’m the opposite.
  • I also don’t do the one-upmanship games some spiritual, psychic, or ritualists do.  There will be no “Well, I learned this from Master So-and-so” (so there!) or, “I was a student of the Dalai Lama” (so bow down peasant!).
  • The only things I take seriously are the Angels, the Holy Mother, and the Holy Trinity.  So no talking shit on any of the former.  Everything else is up for grabs.
  • Lastly, if those with a serious mindset view my language and attitude as irreverent and do not believe I take the subjects spoken of on this blog seriously enough?  Well,
    A.) God has an over-developed sense of humor and so do I,
    B.) Relax.  There are no bonus points for taking everything so seriously,
    C.) Learning should be fun,
    D.) You might just want to x-out of this blog because it’s doubtful I have anything to teach you and it is highly doubtful–improbable even–that I will change my ways due to put-downs you have for me.

Comments on: "Me & My Beliefs:" (9)

  1. I absolutely love everything you said in our “Just Me” blog.

  2. I love you concepts! ! I hope I can learn more from you, Thanks

  3. Yes!!! you’re Human!!! 🙂

  4. Claudia said:

    I relate to 90% of your beliefs and views. Was looking on how to make my own cascarilla. Found some of these botanicas rob you blind and even try to sell you the wrong stuff. But I know what I am looking for and if I can make it myself I do. Yes it’s trial and error, a great learning experience and I hope to learn at lot more from you. THANK YOU!

  5. ChipBlood said:

    You’re not the only New Age Roman Catholic out there. I struggle with balancing Magikal/Spiritist beliefs with my Catholicism but I am determined to serve only God and I know, like you do, that God’s plan is greater than any one religion or belief system. Great blog!!! May God rain blessings down upon you…

  6. You sound, ‘awesome’!!!

  7. I think you r…’awesome.’

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