Spiritual & Magickal Tools For One And All

Posts tagged ‘earth’

Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham

The correct title of this book is ‘Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.’
I just shortened it for easier reading in the side tab of my blog.

This book is what I consider to be my ‘herb bible.’ Although Cunningham’s book is not the only book I use, it is by far the one I use most when determining which herbs I’ll use as I prepare for a ritual. This may be redundant information for some but if you did not know: different rituals require the use of different herbs or resins.

Some herbs are more powerful for one ritual, whereas that same herb may be detrimental to another ritual. Even if it is a love spell, the same herbs would not always be used. In choosing the best herbs/resins for a love spell, considerations would include: the astrological signs of the people involved, the depth of the relationship prior to casting, the mentality of the people involved, the availability of the people involved, external interferences or influences, and so on.

I consider this an excellent source on herbs for practitioners of magick. I would especially recommend this book for anyone who may be just beginning their magickal journey. Not only is this book a good source for the magical uses of herbs and resins, but it also contains valuable appendices–sort of like cheat sheets!

I have always liked Cunningham’s writing style. He tells you exactly what is, and is not, possible with magick. He gives it to you straight; no sugar coating, no mumbo-jumbo. I like that in a person and like it even better when I find it in an author.

The first couple of chapters of the book are spent explaining how to “charge” herbs for ritual use, basic procedures for rituals (the altar, visualization, preparation for the ritual) and how timing effects a ritual.
The main portion of the book is in an A to Z reference regarding the magickal uses of herbs and resins. After the explanations of the herbs are the appendices. The appendices include: when to use which herbs, planetary rulers and a list of herbs ruled by each planet, elemental rulers and a list of herbs ruled by each element, colors and the best colors to use in a ritual, and magickal properties of oils. There is even a cross reference for the Folk names of the herbs.

Here is an example of the detail given regarding herbs (this is taken word for word from Cunningham’s book):

(Cedrus libani or C. spp.) Leaf, berry: P
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Healing, Purification, Money, Protection
Magical Uses: The smoke of the cedar is purifying, and also cures the predeliction of having bad dreams. Twigs of the cedar are burned and smouldered, or made into incense. To heal head colds, they are placed upon the hot rocks in sweat baths for purification by some American Indians.
Cedar hung in the home protects against lightning strikes. A cedar stick carved into three prongs is placed prongs up into the ground near the home to protect it against all evil. A piece of cedar kept in the wallet or purse draws money, and cedar is used in money incense. Cedar is added to love sachets and is burned to induce psychic powers.
(*Note: Juniperus verginiana is often used in place of cedar).

Each herb and resin found in this book contains the same wide range of information. Although it is not a complete book of herbs, it is pretty darn close! There have only been one or two times–that I can remember–where I have gone to this book to search for a particular herb’s uses and the herb wasn’t listed. Being that I have been performing rituals for around two decades, that’s pretty good!

If you can find it, buy it. You will not be disappointed!

Oh, one last thing–like other works by Cunningham, this book was published by Llewellyn Publications. You might be able to find it via their website. Here is a link to Llewellyn: Llewellyn
***If you do not mind a used copy, you could always try eBay, Amazon or another business where used books can be purchased.

Sacred Space by Denise Linn

I really like the flow of this book.  The author did an excellent job of explaining why it is important to cleanse your personal energy and the energy in your home. In easily understood terms, Linn details how the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, spirit) are all connected to one another and how you can put the Elements to work for you.

You do not have to be a Shaman or Reiki Master to use the knowledge you will find within the pages of this book.  Those who are just starting out in their magickal journey will find in depth explanations on energy–how it works, why cleansing energy is necessary, and what tools to use for a cleansing

.  Those who are well-versed in performing cleansings will find new ideas to incorporate into the cleansings they already perform.  This is just an all-around awesome book!

A little bit about Energy:
ALL people create energy.  ALL people leave “traces” of energy wherever they have been.  Think of these invisible traces of energy as skin cells.  As CSI and any number of the many “Whodunit” shows on TV tell you, people slough off skin cells wherever they go without consciously being aware of it.  It is the same with energy.  Then, in turn, the traces of energy are left on furniture, in a room, in a car, etc.  When this happens–as it always does–the furniture, room, car, etc, take on the feel of the traces of energy left by the people who visited or who live in that space.

The traces of energy people leave behind build up.
* If you or someone you know lives in a home where there is a lot of chaos, arguing, upset or drama, the home will begin to “feel” like a negative place to be, even to those who do not experience the arguing or drama that occurs there.
* Walk into a building where boxing is held, or into a sports arena used for football, soccer, baseball, etc.  You begin to feel “pumped up” with excitement, aggression, etc.  Even if you are the first person there, you will feel it.
* Walk into a church, yoga center, New Age store –you’ll begin to feel calmer, more peaceful, relaxed.  Even if no one is there but you, the feelings roll over you.

Even though the energy of any living thing (animals, trees, flowers, etc) gives off energy, the emotion of humans is the most powerful energy.  It has a forceful vibration to it–kinda like the sonic wave you see in cartoons.  The energy-laden vibratory wave of emotion moves outward from a person. Whatever the feelings are, people inadvertently transfer that emotional vibration to any object or building they are around.
Likewise, people transfer energy onto other people.  Regardless of intent, if one person is around another, energy will be transferred between them.
* if someone is angry, frustrated, upset, and you are around them, you will begin to feel what they feel, even if you were not angry, frustrated, or upset by that person.  You only have to have some type of contact with them for the transference of energy to take place.
* if you’ve ever stood near someone who “gave you the creeps” even though they did not physically do anything–you just experienced the energy they gave off and the energy that they project out to the world.  (and yes, you took some of that creep-factor energy with you when you walked–or ran–away from them).
* when people argue, they transfer their energy onto one another.  Worse–the person you are arguing with directly projected their negative energy toward you.  So you received a larger dose of their negative energy to take with you after the argument is over (nice, huh?)
Once you understand the concept of how energy is transferred (and how easily it is transferred), you will begin to notice how you feel when you are around different people and how you feel when you enter different buildings or areas.  To my weird mind, it is all very interesting.  Not only am I very aware of the feeling and the energy of a place, I am very aware of people’s energy.  So when I’m near someone, I can feel what they feel.  But that is another topic in and of itself.

To a certain degree, everyone can feel the external energies they come into contact with.  They may not understand it, but they feel it.  People who have psychic abilities, especially Empaths and Clairsentients, are much more sensitive so they feel the energy more so than the average person.

All of the negative energy people leave behind in your home or on your person can effect your life.  Why?  Because like attracts like!  Meaning:  if the energy of your home has a negative feel, it will attract more negativity.  It will attract negative people and negative circumstances.

Ever notice that some people seem to have “bad luck!” tattooed to their forehead?  Bad things always seem to happen to them.  It is partially because of the energy attached to that person.  Yes, there are other reasons, but the negative energy they have soaked up, combined with the negative energy they project, creates bad luck to come their way!  Now.  Why would you care about Mr. Attracts-Bad-JuJu?  First, because you might just be that person–and you don’t have to be.  Second, because if you are not that person, when you are around someone who is that person, you receive some of their negative energy and will start to have bad luck, as well.  Let Mr. Bad Luck into your home, let him touch your belongings, rub his butt on your furniture, and–charitable guy that he is–he leaves some of his bad luck behind for you!

So the energy of your home and your person needs to be cleansed periodically.  The “cleansing” washes away the stagnant and negative energy.  Cleansings also wash away negative emotions.  Remember: negative emotions + negative energy = creation of negative circumstances (including negativity in relationships).

Extra Warning to the Gifted: People who have psychic gifts not only attract more negative energy than the average person, they have the ability to create negative situations and negative circumstances much faster.  So anyone who is Gifted, should cleanse their person and their space more often.

By reading and using the knowledge Ms. Linn shares in Sacred Space, you can learn to do “quick fixes” to your energy, in depth cleansings of your home and in depth cleansings of your person.  Oh, one more cool subject Linn’s writing touches on–how to cause positive energy to flow toward you so you can create the good things in life (money, happiness, love, peace, etc.).

You just cannot go wrong with this book.  Get it.  You’ll be glad you did.