Spiritual & Magickal Tools For One And All

Posts tagged ‘visualize’

Easy House Protection Ritual

This is actual for the outside perimeter of your home.  If you live in an apartment, you can do it along all of the edges of the walls on the inside of your home, but I think you would find it difficult to do being that it needs to be a continuous line.  (You could try it though–any protection is better than no protection!)

Protecting the Perimeter of your Home:
* Using several cups of Cascarilla, walk outside.
* Facing the front door, close your eyes, take a few meditative breaths, and clear your mind.  (you are preparing to place a defensive wall around your home–visualize it!)
* Take the Cascarilla out of it’s container
* Holding the Cascarilla in your hand, begin by crushing a line across the threshold (bottom of the door).
* Continue the line from the threshold as you begin to walk clockwise around the perimeter of the house.
* you will continue to crush up the chalk as you walk; leaving a fine trail of dust as you walk.
* when you use the one piece of Cascarilla, stop walking, remove another piece from it’s container and continue the line where you left off before you start walking again! (this is important, because you are creating a “line of protection”–a barrier–around your home and it needs to be continuous.)
*   You will go all of the way around the home until you end up back at the front door.
* Say a note of thanks to your God for His Blessing & Protection (my belief system calls for “God.”  If your belief system calls Him by another name, the note of thanks is still in effect but you give thanks to your God(s)/Goddess)

Special Notes about this lil ritual:
* This ritual is best done after a house cleansing.
* With this ritual, you are creating a barrier.  Meaning: whatever is inside that house, is staying there until the barrier weakens and dissipates or other rituals are performed.
* No, rain does not effect this barrier.  The barrier begins physical but changes and makes a spiritual/energetic barrier.
* This barrier does not last forever.  Energy changes, the barrier will weaken.  Perform this regularly (just like with cleansings) to keep the barrier strengthened.  ** As you walk the perimeter, visualize creating a line of protection from all negativity, negative entities, poverty, sadness, etc.
* I say prayers as I walk the perimeter (but I am Catholic and, of course, we Catholics love our prayers!).  If your belief system calls God by another name and you have chants or prayers you use–speak them as you walk the perimeter.  It is up to you.  Your choice and your comfort level are in your energy and that energy is helping to provide protection for the home.
** Aside from visualizing the creation of a wall and saying prayers, I also think of allowing all that is good, happy, and prosperous through this barrier.  (and once I’m done with my line of defense, I’ll most likely take another mixture of herbs designed to bring wealth, happiness and love to my home and sprinkle it on top of the Cascarilla !).

If you have questions, feel free to ask and I’ll be happy to answer what I can 🙂